COVID-19 Announcement

Due to the impact of COVID-19, we are willing to explain clearly how we are running and how this pandemic is affecting our business routine. UPDATED 10-20-2020


The Arkan Cosplay Team is back together safely and crafting! Materials are weird to get. Either we can have them, either they are unavaible. We stocked for projects and have enough for orders if needed, to an extend.

You are able to order. We are making all the cosplays and props we can on our side and then clear them out of the Shop when allowed. We are still trying not to go out if not needed in order to not put ourselves at risk so every shipments happen once a week if there are enough to ship.

Shipping services are doing their jobs. There might be delays. Customs and transitionning are still the most impacted steps in a package's life right now as there are more pressing matters for States to deal with.

As for our health: we are keeping safe. We're back with rules and maybe another containment. We'll see how it goes, for now we are playing safe and smart.


Keep safe. It is tough and we hope you are doing well.

-The Arkan Cosplay Team