Greetings! You know what this is. Thank you for checking!

Can you make X-Y-Z?

99% of the time we can as long as it’s a commission! We are not open to requests, though we have our own personal to-do list that keeps on being delayed since orders come first!

What’s the difference between Classic and Metal variants?

Only the paint job changes, not the materials! Classic means we stick to the usual game color scheme and composition, whereas Metal gives you a more real look with highlights, wood grain patterns, imperfections, grimes and so on!

Do you ship to the US?

We ship anywhere! The US is about 90% of our customers so we’ve got you covered! Anywhere else too, we’re used to it!

How long before my order is done?

Usually 2 weeks for Scatterguns-like items, 3 to 6 for anything else unless stated otherwise!

I have trouble at checkout with Paypal/Mollie, can you help me?

Usually this comes from the bank/provider on your end! Check if the transaction has been denied, if your credit allows it, lists of the usual financial shenanigans. We’re clear on our side unless stated otherwise! Renewal of our domain can give a 48 hours issue as our website goes through the whole “processing” but that’s nowhere near for now!

I have not received an answer back, why?

We’re GMT+1 and not going anywhere! Usually we answer as quickly as we can but if orders stack up we’ll be spending less time behind mails and pricing cool requests. We’ll reply soon!

Any update on my order?

Certainly! No news means we’re working on it, awaiting materials and/or clearing orders that were placed before yours. But we’ll gladly send a pic or two to keep you waiting!


Where package?

If your order has been stated as cleared/fulfilled you should have received an automated email with all the information for the tracking by the swallowing 48 hours. Check your spam box just in case or send us a mail with your order number so we can help you!

Do you take commission on custom designs and such?

We do, with a few exceptions. But things like Kurion would have never seen the light of day if we did not, so send us an email and we’ll figure something together!

What’s the scale of our business?

We’re 2 people doing everything. That’s it!


Have questions unanswered? Send us an email through our contact form or at arkancosplayshop@gmail.com